Today, I realized that before I had Sadie, there was a 4 week stretch when me and 4 of my 7 bridesmaids were pregnant. You know what that means? It means there's a shitload of hormones going around my circle of friends so TREAD LIGHTLY. It also means there are cravings and nausea and freak outs galore, which I actually am grateful for because they keep me from feeling like the lone friend going berserk here out on a limb. There's lots of people I love out on limbs so be careful when you shake the tree-- there may be a contagion of falling women whose hormones are rising and falling faster than the reputation of one Kanye West.
We had a brilliant day today. Sadie took a scrumptious 3 hour nap this morning and then we took a family stroll to have lunch. The real cherry on top was when we went to the Levi store to buy dad some new jeans. If you knew the state of Jeff's jeans prior to the purchase at the Levi's store, you would understand why it was so glorious to see him shimmy into, and actually approve of, the Levi 559's. I am proud of him for buying 2 pairs and cannot wait for him to put them on for our date night, when I hope occurs before 2020.
Actually, one of the benefits of having friends who are in the family way, in addition to the shared psychosis, is that we hope they will want to babysit for us to "practice" before having their own little ones. This strategy will only work on first-timers, but we hope to leverage it to our advantage. After all, we are honeymooners.
And, speaking of strategery, today I was holding Sadie and looking at her face while she was evacuating her bowels and you know what? She looked EXACTLY like George W. Bush. You may not believe me, but there was this sort of loopy look on her face and she had a furrowed brow and I swear she looked just like our previous president. Hey, don't blame me, I voted for Obama.
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