Today Sadie was crying on the way home from the Green City Market and we saw something we have never seen before, which is going to change the whole power structure of our family. Yes, we saw Sadie's first tear. I have never seen anything so sad as my daughter laying on her back looking up at me with a huge tear rolling into her ear. I forgot she was going to get tears and it was a real shock to see them. We tried to take a picture of her first tear, but it was rolling too fast to capture on film.
Tears? Tears? How can I ever win an argument or hold a boundary when a little tear is rolling down that perfect, full, delicious little cheek?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Weisbluth and his sleep book can kiss my ass. On one page it says, "Never wake a sleeping baby," and a few pages later it says that if long naps disrupt nighttime sleep, then you have to wake your baby up from the long nap. And that's just one of the contradictions.
The reason why we know about the above-referenced contradiction is because our little yogi fell asleep yesterday at 4:15 p.m. and didn't wake up until 8:30 p.m. I was completely flummoxed because she usually goes to bed at 7:00 p.m. We decided not to wake her up and it was probably a good decision, since she slept great until 4:00 a.m and then fitfully from 4:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m.
Note to baby book writers: If you want to be THE source for the new parent, do NOT have contradicting information in your book; it's hard enough to be desperate, sleep deprived, and hormonal without you giving me 100 shades of gray.
The reason why we know about the above-referenced contradiction is because our little yogi fell asleep yesterday at 4:15 p.m. and didn't wake up until 8:30 p.m. I was completely flummoxed because she usually goes to bed at 7:00 p.m. We decided not to wake her up and it was probably a good decision, since she slept great until 4:00 a.m and then fitfully from 4:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m.
Note to baby book writers: If you want to be THE source for the new parent, do NOT have contradicting information in your book; it's hard enough to be desperate, sleep deprived, and hormonal without you giving me 100 shades of gray.
Busy, busy

Going to be hard to keep up with her.
Monday, September 28, 2009
September's Twilight
At her doctor's appointment on September 24, we learned that she is 11lbs 11oz, which is so close to the magical 12lbs, where allegedly babies can sleep through the night. Not sure about that, but on September 26, Joyce and I put her to bed at 6:45 p.m. and she slept until 4:20 a.m. I went into her room about 5 times to be sure she was still breathing, but now that we know she can do that, her little wake up through the night tricks are not going to work on us. Ok, they totally still will, but we'll always have September 26th!
She also started liking the bath. Well, actually it's the shower and we get in there and hold her and scrub her down and she squeals with joy! It's so much fun to hang out with her as she is discovering the parts of the world where she can experience pleasure and joy and new sensations.
I think the yoga really mellowed Sadie out because when we got home we sat on the couch reading for a long time. She usually wants to be up on her princess perch, but she was content to sit on the couch and read US Magazine with me. (Should I lie and say it was Middlemarch or The Economist? It wasn't-- it was all about Jessica Simpson's life in shambles and MacKenzie Phillips' shocking allegations about her father's poor sexual boundaries.) Not exactly approved by Dr. Sears or the American College of Pediatrics, but damn, I just had to see those outfits from the Emmy's one more time.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Happy 2 Months of Life
Happy 2 months of life! I can't believe the miracle of you. I have no words and we have yet to find a single picture that alone stands for how much you have changed my life for the better. The sound of your voice learning to make sounds and communicate with us (also known as cooing) and the sheer vibrancy of your little spirit are a force like none other I have ever known. I love you madly and am so happy to be your mom. I look forward to many more months with you and I think we all did a good job these first 2. Once I figured out that you really did need your diaper changed about every 2.5 hours. It sure has been uphill since then, kiddo.
You are the greatest gift ever. I pray to be the mother you deserve.
I love you and your perfect, scrumptious little cheeks more than I can say.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sadly, I spoke a little too soon when I was waxing eloquently about how sad I am that Sadie sleeps through the night. And, while she may be very close, last night she treated us to her company at 12:00 a.m., 2:30 a.m., 4:00 a.m., and 5:00 a.m.
She's so damn cute I almost don't mind, but then again, sleep is really, really grand when I can get it.
She's so damn cute I almost don't mind, but then again, sleep is really, really grand when I can get it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Crib Notes
Time: 6:43 p.m.
Day: Sunday
I just put Sadie to sleep for the night (we hope) in her crib. She nursed for one hour and was so tired so the time seemed right. Jeff put her in her crib to nap this morning while I went to spin class, and she seemed unphased when I put her to sleep this evening. We have the CD of "falling rain" cranked up to soothe her and to deflect all the noise we make one floor below-- we're clumsy and someone always drops a fork on the way to the dinner "table" or the couch as it is more properly called in our house. It's weird to have her sleeping, but not in our room. I was able to fold some clothes and lay out an outfit for tomorrow -- for the big outing to therapy where one needs the right outfit to project inner peace, but not so peaceful that I didn't need to drag my ass out of bed to take public transportation to see a doctor about tweaking said inner peace. Tell me that's an easy outfit to find!
She seemed a little cranky today, which I totally respect, because I am not a huge fan of Sundays. Never have been. I find Sundays mournful, a little boring, and I tend to get all out of sorts during the long afternoon stretch. Looks like Sadie was feeling some of that today after our lovely morning walking to the farmers' market and having brunch at Feast. Neither one of us seemed to get any pep in our step today, but maybe a night after some great crib sleeping will restore the umph in the house. I think we have to work on our Sunday routine; I think we may be a little isolated so we are thinking of mixing things up and being more social on Sundays. I am open for ideas. We still count our blessings that she loves the Baby Bjorn so we can walk for miles with her in it. We know she's technically too young to be riding face forward, but if we so much as suggest that she ride facing inward she wails so loud I think I could get arrested for cruelty to a child. So we just hold her head and put some padding behind the straps and hope that we can avoid any "well meaning advice" from someone pointing out that we are doing it wrong, because believe me, I have plenty of that in my own head, thank you very much.
And, as for her little sun hat, it's only about 3 sizes too big. We have tried to find one in her size, but you wouldn't believe how hard that is. I am sure it will only get harder as we sink into the fall months and prepare for winter. Our hospital told us never to expose the baby to direct sunlight so you would think there is a huge market for items that will cover a baby while out during the daylight hours. Don't tell me that retailers think that parents aren't taking their children out in the sun-- that can't be, but we can't find a hat and I will be doing extensive on-line searches this evening to see if we can't find her something better than a hat that makes her look like one of the Golden Girls.
Anyway, I resisted the urge to get into my pajamas tonight at 4:00 p.m. like I did last night for our rocking Saturday night watching the last hour of the Tina Fey vehicle, Baby Mama, which I slept through when we first tried to watch it on Thursday. We were all in our pajamas pretty early here, but it's a gray Sunday so we leaned into the whole Day of Rest mythology and watched some E! Television to see who's wearing what at the Emmy's.
We are heading towards Miss Sadie's ninth week of life. Tomorrow marks 8 weeks since we got home from the hospital. If you ask me my favorite part of being Sadie's mom, I would say that the opportunity every single day to bring her comfort is the highlight of the whole thing. I used to freak out when Sadie would cry and now I take those opportunities to tell her exactly what I would like to hear when I am freaking out: "You are safe. Mommy is right here. Everything is just as it should be. You have everything you need. All is right in the world. It's healthy to cry and let the feelings out. I am proud of you. I love you. You are perfect." I love it when she finally settles down and seems to be hearing what I am saying and believing me. I actually believe what I am saying. She is safe. She does have everything she needs, and if not, we'll get it for her. All is well in the world. It is ok to cry and be upset. There is something so sublime about sharing that comfort with Sadie and creating a world where my words are true.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Perspective, It's All About Perspective
On Thursday night Sadie did something very, very strange. She slept, and slept, and slept. I almost want to say she just about slept through the night. We put her to sleep at 7:20 p.m. and didn't really hear a peep out of her until about 2:45 a.m. Then, I fed her until 3:15 a.m. and she slept again until 6:45 a.m. It was hard not to run into her room screaming, "who is this imposter baby?" but it was our dear sweet one just snoozing the night away. And, of course, I have a theory about this. Friends of mine suggested that sleeping near me, so close to the breast, might keep Sadie awake because she can sense that the breast milk buffet is only one foot away. So, during the Thursday night sleep fest, I decided I would sleep on the couch one floor away to see if she would stay asleep longer. Jeff, the mensch that he always is, decided that he would join me on the couch instead of going down to the first floor for an uninterrupted sleepapalooza. Every time I go upstairs and sleep right next to her co-sleeper (side car for the big people bed) she wakes up within 15 minutes of me getting settled. This business about babies being so sensitive is not a crock of hooey; it appears to be real and operating in our family.
Tonight our dear doula comes for her 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. shift so that Jeff and I both can retire to the first floor for some uninterrupted sleep. I have to say I approach this "scientific" information about Sadie sleeping better the farther away I am from her with great ambivalence. On the one hand, what parent of a little baby wants to hold on to those ragged nights of on-edge catnapping where your nerves get shot as you assume your baby is going to cry at any given moment? Those nights are long and grueling even if the baby ends up sleeping; they are grueling precisely because you never know. And, for all the havoc that type of "sleeping" wreaks on a family, it's still precious. Maybe I can say that because I am optimistically assuming those days of waking up 5 times every night may be becoming part of Sadie's young past. But, some real bonding among me, Sadie and Jeff happened in those nights. We had our little system that we constantly modified in response to Sadie's ever changing needs/personality. Obviously, I will still feed her in the middle of the night and cherish each moment of bleary-eyed snuggling, but the bigger point is that at 8 weeks old, Sadie is already passing through stages. It's time to let go of the super-chaotic newborn sleep gig (here's hoping) and look into some separation at bedtime.
As with almost every single thing associated with this experience (and, frankly, most others as well), I have to let go of my preconceived ideas. I was up for having Sadie in my bedroom for a long time. I didn't mention this to Jeff-- who has been excited to test out the baby monitor that will allow us peace of mind when Sadie is about 10 yards away in her own room-- but I was thinking she'd bunk up with us for at least 6 months. I had visions of her sleeping in her little co-sleeper next to me and visions of her needing me that close to her for months. It appears, however, that she sleeps better and longer if I get up off her grill and give her some space. I feel some sadness about that. It's yet another example of having an idea of how an ideal mother-daughter relationship would unfold between me and Sadie that's really just an idea. In reality, it's probably healthier for everyone to (1) get more sleep; (2) accept separation when Sadie demonstrates she's ready and it works for her; (3) that the parents have physical proximity to one another during the night and not the parent-child; and (4) that I be willing to have my ideal, but also be willing to adapt when it proves that it doesn't produce the best outcome for our family.
She's such a great baby and so perfect for us. We love everything about her. If this sleeping thing is for real, I am nominating her for baby of the year. If this sleeping thing was just a fluke, I am still nominating her for baby of the year. She's the littlest love of my life.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What's in the Water
Today, I realized that before I had Sadie, there was a 4 week stretch when me and 4 of my 7 bridesmaids were pregnant. You know what that means? It means there's a shitload of hormones going around my circle of friends so TREAD LIGHTLY. It also means there are cravings and nausea and freak outs galore, which I actually am grateful for because they keep me from feeling like the lone friend going berserk here out on a limb. There's lots of people I love out on limbs so be careful when you shake the tree-- there may be a contagion of falling women whose hormones are rising and falling faster than the reputation of one Kanye West.
We had a brilliant day today. Sadie took a scrumptious 3 hour nap this morning and then we took a family stroll to have lunch. The real cherry on top was when we went to the Levi store to buy dad some new jeans. If you knew the state of Jeff's jeans prior to the purchase at the Levi's store, you would understand why it was so glorious to see him shimmy into, and actually approve of, the Levi 559's. I am proud of him for buying 2 pairs and cannot wait for him to put them on for our date night, when I hope occurs before 2020.
Actually, one of the benefits of having friends who are in the family way, in addition to the shared psychosis, is that we hope they will want to babysit for us to "practice" before having their own little ones. This strategy will only work on first-timers, but we hope to leverage it to our advantage. After all, we are honeymooners.
And, speaking of strategery, today I was holding Sadie and looking at her face while she was evacuating her bowels and you know what? She looked EXACTLY like George W. Bush. You may not believe me, but there was this sort of loopy look on her face and she had a furrowed brow and I swear she looked just like our previous president. Hey, don't blame me, I voted for Obama.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Relaxation Gene
Not so little Sadie. She likes to lounge and I like that about her! She likes to hang out in the Bjorn and in our arms and as long as we are holding her correctly-- in the "Princess Perch," where we face her out and create a perch for her with our arm-- she's happy to hang out until her next feeding, or if she is inclined to even deeper relaxation, her next nap.
She actually does seem to be a pretty chilled out LP. Jeff calls her TLP for "the little person," because we are sort of surprised how much she is a little person. It's unbelievable. She's persnickity about a few things, but so long as we comply, she's just smiley and relaxed and it's a thrill to be around her.
Yesterday, we went to visit our friend Nicole, who had twin boys 3 weeks ago. We thought Sadie was so small and fragile until we saw what 8lbs babies look like. Of course, Sadie was born at 8 lbs, but now she's a blazing 11lbs and counting. I thought she was getting heavy to hold, but I can't tell from looking at her on a daily basis, but when we put her next to Nicole's sons, it was amazing to see how she's grown. Our third pediatrician visit is next week (for her 2 month birthday) and I can't wait to get official confirmation of her weight and height. She still seems really long and lean to me -- again, more from her dad's side, those long, lean Ellis'.
This weekend was great fun. We did an elaborate photo shoot, the pictures from which I will post very soon. She's got so much personality and it's so fun to see it in pictures. She can go from smiling to crying in less than .05 seconds, and vice versa. Now, there is some mommy in that for sure! She's found her hand and loves to suck on it. She also loves the Baby Bjorn, as long as she's facing out, so we've been cruising around the neighborhood getting out and about.
I have been getting some exercise, which seems important these days as my moods seem a bit erratic. To be fair, it's still a huge time of transition-- I have only known Sadie, our new roommate and lifelong companion for less than 2 months. Also, I am still digesting that my long-time therapist has prostate cancer. It's not really all about me, but for the parts that are about me, I find the whole Therapist With Cancer theme as a potential obstacle for my trust issues. I haven't seen him since the surgery that allegedly led to the removal of said cancerous prostate, but he's supposed to be back in the office on Friday. Can I just say that I am quite nervous about the first post-prostate-removal meeting? What am I supposed to say? I can imagine making a joke to break the tension or to front the issue? I have been resisting the urge to research prostate cancer on-line because I am afraid of what I will find. In addition to finding articles that will ensure my greatest fear: He will die and I will be a new mom with no therapist, I will likely find out about impotence and urinary issues. Now do I need that?
No, I do not need that.
Anyway, the whole thing has been a very upsetting and harsh introduction to cancer. I have never had any first-hand experience with it. I keep wishing I could nominate someone else to have cancer, not my primary support outside of Jeff and my someone so important to my life. Couldn't God have picked someone less important to my life? I know, it's very unseemly to wish cancer on the lesser service providers in my life and I am doing nothing to help my already besmirched karma, but Jesus, my therapist? That's harsh. That's really harsh.
Instead of sitting around weeping and wondering how I will manage breast feeding annd sitting shiva for my therapist, I am going to find a 5K run that has a theme of eradicating cancer. Any kind of cancer. In the meantime, I can look forward to really rich sessions exploring my propensity to futurize and assume the worst case scenario. After all, he's not dead and look at Arnold Palmer: he's survived prostate cancer for almost 2 decades.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Humble Pie
After yesterday's doctor's visit, I got the go ahead from the Medical Professionals to do whatever I want physically. The doctor's exact words were you have "no limitations." In light of the "no limitations" diagnosis, I decided today that I would see where my body and mind are regarding exercise. Here's what I discovered:
I actually do have some limitations. One of them is my oversized stomach, one is my oversized breasts that are full of milk, and the third is my pride. I stalled as long as possible and with Jeff's support I got out the door for what I hoped would be a nice, easy 10-20 minute foray into the world of cardiovascular exercise, a world from which I banished myself about 10 months ago. The first few steps were the hardest. I didn't recognize my body at all. I could tell that my heart and lungs were in great shape and ready for some exertion, but I was very disconcerted about this floppy stomach I have. I wasn't hating it, although it stretches reality to claim that I was loving it, it was more that I just didn't know how to mechanically do something I used to do before it showed up.
As for the breasts, well, they have been big for a long time. They were big when I ran two marathons, but now they are full. They are heavy and I don't actually have a sports bra to contain them. So that was another hurdle. These are my humps and they have done a good job in the indoor context so I patiently took one step after another and after about 3 blocks I remembered how I love to move my body. I stopped wondering what my neighbors thought of me and I stopped worrying about how long it would take to feel more ease during exercise. I really just looked at my shadow and thought very alarming thoughts. The thoughts were alarming because they were almost all positive. If you know anything about me, you know this is borderline apocalyptic.
I thought about the nice breeze and the gorgeous sunset. When a song called "Sadie, Sadie" came on my iPod, I thought about my perfect, enchanting little baby. I thought about how loving and supportive Jeff was and how I could not have gotten out the door without his encouragement and belief in balance. I really do get how women put on baby weight and never take it off. I actually get that for a lot of reasons, but without Jeff's support and his willingness to hang out with Sadie while I tool around the neighborhood in my post-surgery glory, I would easily give up, buy a bunch of huge clothes to hide in and never move this body again.
It was hard. Did I mention that my body feels so different now than it did back in October 2008? So much has happened. My body has been the field upon which my family has sprouted and now I am running around the neighborhood at a pace that would probably only beat Bob Barker. And, more miraculously still, I didn't really care. The music was good, the light was coming off the sidewalk without too much glare and everyone I made eye contact with smiled at me. I think I was projecting strength and humility and gratitude. What's not to smile at?
So, another humbling experience. Another first for this after-the-baby period. I am glad it's over. I am also glad that no one I know saw me because I can only take so much humility.
The end.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thank You, Recession
And, for those of you keeping track, Jeff and I have only been married 9 months so it's not like we have years of experience being right on top of each other working on various projects, such as raising a socially responsible, self-actualized, HAPPY, well-adjusted, independent-but-still-interdependent-with-other-people little girl. We started dating in March 2007, we got engaged in March 2008, we moved into a house together in June 2008, found out about Sadie's existence in November 2008, married later that month, and here we are.
Here we are all together all day long. It's very intense. As we are fond of saying, "it's very intense and very boring, all at the same time."
I have never engaged in so much negotiation in my entire life. The amount of communication that Jeff I engage in day after day in order to run the household is staggering to me, considering I used to go hours at a time without talking to anyone.
Ok, well I would not really ever go that long, but it's a lot of communication about really boring stuff: Are these dishes clean? The baby is asleep, someone should take a shower, do you want to? What should we defrost for dinner? When did you last feed the baby? Are my breasts leaking? Do I look fat?
And that's all before 8:00 a.m. at my house. For the most part I am impressed that we intrepid newlyweds have stepped up to the parenting plate and embraced Sadie and our drastically different lives with joy and enthusiasm. Jeff and I are nothing if not overachieving and determined to be good at the things we do. Parenting is no different. I decided the other day that we have to have other children because Sadie should have someone to share this experience with-- someone else to bitch about her parents when the time comes. I also think that Jeff and I exerting all of our energy-- at least for now-- for Sadie's needs and care is sort of intense and a lot of pressure for one little girl. I really do believe we should spread it around so that all of our attention and projections and love and neurosis isn't aimed right at Sadie.
Also, just in case Sadie doesn't end up with a high earning job, we'll need other kids to fall back on during the years when Jeff and I are infirm and need someone to pay for our round the clock nurse. I will remind Sadie that we got a doula for her-- ok, only one night per week during the month of September-- but with all the healthcare reform about to go down in this great country of ours, that will surely translate to a 15 year stay for Jeff and I at the assisted living home of our choice. In the Cayman Islands.

Anything on the Internet?
That's a bold statement. I mean, the internet has Zappos, and YouTube videos, and Etsy, and all manner of apparel shopping. And, it's the honest truth, that there is nothing more alluring than Sadie's face when she's falling asleep in my arms. And when she woke up briefly and I put my face next to hers she showed me yet another experience that I have never had before when she lifted her little head and projectile vomitted into my my gaping mouth and then smiled the hugest smile I have ever seen spread across her deliciously chubby face.
All I could think was that I hope Sadie uses that smile for good and not evil, because it is so cute and so powerful she could start a world war with it if she wanted to.
I think it's my job to be sure that she never aspires to starting a world war.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Goodnight, World
It's already heartbreaking to think there will come a day when she's too big to lay in my lap like this. Or, heaven forbid, a day when she is going to ignore me because she wants to go to Monopoly's Teen Dance club to dance to Bizarre Love Triangle with her friends. Oh, wait, that was me. Anyway, I keep hearing stories about how teenagers shun their parents, and I am dumb enough to have the secret thought: "that won't happen to us with Sadie."
Can someone please write me a prescription for a reality pill?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Goodbye, Summer
So it was a great weekend. We are mourning the passage of summer as we head into Labor Day this weekend. We are doing an overnight trip to Wisconsin tomorrow, so there should be some beautiful scenery in our future. I am a little anxious about traveling with Sadie, but it's only one night; only 77 miles away and only to relax at Lake Geneva. I can't believe how much I love this child and how precious she is to me. I am so much more vulnerable in the world now that I love this much. And, I would write more about that, but I want to go check on her and and poke her so I can be convinced she's just fine, just like she has been the past 199 times I have gone to check on her.
Welcome to parenthood, Christie style.
Time Marching On...
Let me tell you one thing about the prospect of Sadie wearing a helmet. NO EFFING WAY. One of the chief benefits to the C-section -- yes, besides getting to deliver a healthy baby, while staying alive myself-- is that C-section babies come out with very very round heads. ROUND because they never had to contort to get through the birth canal. I didn't sit through a panic attack and 6 agonizing weeks of recovery from MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY so that down the road Sadie would wear a helmet.
I have some strong feelings about that. Can you imagine the post if I get word that Sadie needs a helmet?
Let's not go there.
What else has she been up to?
Where is that left over Norco?
Because I was a little confused about who the visit was for, and frankly, a little self-absorbed, I stepped on the scale at the pediatrician's office. This is NOT something I normally do and it's unclear to me WHY I felt the need to that. But, I did. Turns out, even after birth, you (or I) may still have over 21.5 (approximately, of course) pounds "extra." Did I really think I would lose the 43 lbs I gained over the course of five measly weeks? And, it's precisely these kinds of questions that waste my time and prove why I am not the person who has any business on the scale at the pediatrician's office, or anywhere else.
Lesson learned. Again.
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