My husband or that little green bathing suit we got for Peppermint? Would it seem creepy to you if I told you that I slept next to both of them last night?
Hello, THIRD TRIMESTER-- which entered with a BANG! today. I can hardly keep my eyes open and all I want to do is (1) sleep, (2) eat Starbucks desserts, and (3) shop for pastel-print high heel shoes. 28 weeks and we are really throwing down the desires here. I don't need to tell you how impractical heels are right now, especially in light of the swelling I am already encountering in my fingers and ankles. (Hence the cankles.) I had to take off my wedding rings today because I am afraid they'll get stuck on my sausage fingers. As I write this, my boots are about to cut of circulation to my cankles. (Boots? On April 21? Yes, in Chicago, boots work in late April since the forecast calls for SNOW tonight.)
I can't wait to see what these next 12 weeks bring. Besides our Beloved daughter of course. She supposedly weighs over 2lbs now and it's pretty fun to feel her rolling around in there. She's going to run out of room soon so I think those jabs to my innards are going to be more subtle. The crib and dressing table arrive on Friday; the iPod mix is underway; and the hospital bag packing list (Excel, of course) is almost finalized.
Bring it on!
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