I just saw post on the July 2009 Mommies message board and the subject was: What has pregnancy taught you thus far? The answers ranged from funny to touching, and it has me thinking about what these 28 weeks of pregnancy have taught me.
First, I would say that I have learned about the sublime powers of the female human body. There is a human being growing inside of my stomach and all I had to do was have some afternoon delight with my husband back in October. Unbelieveable.
Second, I learned that my maternal instinct is the strongest instinct inside of me that I have ever known. It's my love of this little girl inside of me that has led me to take actions (and refrain from taking actions) I never, ever thought would be possible. And, on a daily basis I refrain from over-exercising, under-hydrating, sleeping on my back, taking too-hot showers, eating a delicious brie and turkey sandwhich, drinking Crystal Lite, running across an intersection at a yellow light, and lifting heavy objects.
I also learned that a female human breast can reach a size F, even without surgical intervention. At the same time, I learned I would have to be about seven months pregnant before my stomach would grow past my breasts. Big day at our house.
I have learned that there is no worry in this universe greater than the worry over one's child. Lord help me when Peppermint gets a driver's license.
I have learned that picking a name for your child is one of the most exciting, delicious and difficult decisions I have ever had.
And my favorite so far: I have learned that the vast web of moms who have each others' backs is far greater than any sorority wth Greek letters or secret handshake. I posted on my Facebook page that I need a maternity dress for a black tie wedding in Florida, at which point I will be approximately 32 weeks pregnant, and I got so much love and support and suggestions, I couldn't believe it. A friend from Texas is going to fedex me a package with several dress options. My pain was heard and felt. I love the brave new world of motherhood. It's far gentler and communal than I ever would have imagined.
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