Say whatever you want about Old Navy, but I just got the most fabulous pair of pants there. I have never in my life owned a more comfortable and luscious pair of pants. ("Perfect Khaki Bootcut Pants.") The super good news is that they come in short sizes. The comfort is downright obscene. I tried some Liz Lang for Target clothes last night and let me just tell you that the pants all come in one length: too long for me.
But, hell, even if you aren't pregnant, you should try these pants. Who can't use a little extra room for those extra helpings of dessert or extra puffy days of the month? I swear to Christmas that I have looked for the perfect khakis for years and never found them until now. These are the pants I will grab if the house is on fire. Except I won't need to because I plan to sleep in them every night until the baby comes...and then for a few months after that.
Is it wrong to love a pair of pants so much?
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