It's my Baby-Daddy's birthday. 34 years of life on this planet-- all poised and ready to be a daddy to a little girl. This is a special week in our household as today is Jeff's birthday and tomorrow is the second anniversary of our first date. It was a snowy March 6 when Jeff picked me up and took me to dinner at La Scarola. We split two entrees and talked until they kicked us out of the restaurant around 11:00 p.m. We are going to try to re-live that dinner tonight, except now I will eat two entrees myself and be asleep by 8:00 p.m. How lucky is this man of mine?
I gave him his birthday present on Saturday: I commissioned a painting by dear friend, and renowned artist, Joyce Polance. I gave her a picture of the two of us from our 2007 trip to India and she made some magic with canvas and paint. We love the painting and hung it in our office where it looks amazing.
It's been a big week otherwise. We watched Juno again now that we are pregnant and there was not a dry eye in the house during that scene in the hospital when Juno gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. When Michael Sera's character comes into the room and lays on the bed with Juno, I just about lost it. I am so happy to be married and over the age of 16 and to be planning to keep my child. It would be fun to be as clever, ironic, and hip as Juno, but I'll trade that for what I got.
Yesterday was Peppermint's first trip to a maximum security prison for a little client visit. I wasn't scared at all until we got through the screening and a somewhat dim-witted Corrections Officer escorted me and two male associates to the client meeting room. Suddenly, I felt afraid about being with Peppermint in a maximum security prison where I was about to meet with a man who had taken it upon himself to end the life of another man. I felt my ferocious maternal instinct kick in: I was sure I could wrestle anyone who tried to hurt my baby or me. I also assured the two male associates that I would cheerfullly use them as human shields if the need arose. Pepps was actually squiggling all around during the first 15 minutes of the meeting with the client, who, incidentally, was articulate, bright, grateful, and perfectly non-violent. He was also ripped like Mr. Universe, and I confess to thinking more than once that he could probably kill me with one hand.
And, of course he didn't. The most traumatic part of the visit was not being able to pee or drink from my water bottle for two hours. I pretty much drink about 4 oz of water every 20 minutes, so when we emerged from our meeting, I almost started to hallucinate. Thanks to Pepps' position right above my bladder, I got the privilege of using the "Ladies Room" at the prison. You have really never peed in style until you have peed in the prison ladies room. Someday I'll tell Pepps about the visit and what I saw in there. I'll probably embellish the story so that I sound even cooler than I am. I may include a vignette about wrestling an inmate who tried to hassle me during lock down, but I'll have to watch some episodes of Prison Break to be sure I get the vocabulary down.
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