Jeff and I have our best moments right before bedtime. Well, I guess I should speak for myself. Whatever grumpiness or bad mood I have schelpped around all damn day seems to disappear when I finally have sight of the finish line: my super comfy bed with my five favorite pillows. I love it when the lights go out and there is no more striving or fretting or pushing to do. It's just me and the pillows and Jeff. I have a little habit of going manic for about 4 minutes before I fall into a deep, deep sleep. During those 4 minutes, I tend to laugh really loudly in Jeff's ear, or practice crying like a baby (I think I am confused about who will be the baby crying in about 6 months, but for now, it's me), and I push as many of Jeff's buttons as I can. Which means I have to do my daily search for any fat on his body. Apparently, it isn't comfortable to have someone pinch the three centimeters of skin covering your ribs. So he says. How the hell would I know?
I am not sure how I will curb my antics once Peppermint comes ashore, but I am pretty sure Jeff will have to tell me to be quiet about 20 times a night using the threat heard in millions of homes around the planet: "'re going to wake THE BABY."
But, as I said, for now, I am the baby, and the baby mama, and the baby daddy's wife, so I can be as loud as I want.
For example the other night, I thought my toothbrush smelled strange and wanted to see what Jeff thought about the situation, so I found him in the office and pretty much stuck the toothbrush in his face. The small drawback to the plan of having him smell it was that I was actually brushing my teeth at the time.

Something about the whole exchange made both of us start laughing so hard that I ended up spitting the whole thing on the floor in the office. My dearest Beloved, rather than help his incapacitated wife, who was quite possibly about to choke to her death on Colgate Cinnamon Toothpaste, opted to grab the camera and take pictures of the whole thing.

If this doesn't demonstrate how ready we are for parenthood, I really don't know what does. And when I get all weird, cheap, and coupon-clippy a few months into motherhood, I am going to remember that toothpaste is a good way to clean those hard wood floors. It will be one of my many "home remedies" designed to save money and time so I can start working on the home schooling syllabi.
Lord help Little Peppermint!
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