Holy SH*T, I am 30 weeks pregnant. It feels like a bigger milestone than turning 30 years old. We are 10 weeks away from the human gestation period of 40 weeks (which is actually 10 months, not the 9 months that you always hear about on TV and in popular culture). The weather is beautiful, work has slowed down, Jeff is at home putting together the crib....this is going to fly by! I am excited and terrified.
I am starting to get tired, but also not able to sleep. I wake myself up snoring and can't seem to breathe through my nose. I laugh at myself when I try to get out of bed becuase it's actually quite difficult and requires me to swing my legs over the side and hope the momentum is strong enough for the rest of my body. Whatever considerable lack of core strength I had before is somewhat compounded now that my core has gained about 20lbs, which includes a 3 lb baby!
We went to the doctor yesterday and had a splendid visit. When they weighed me (I don't look and I don't ask), the nurse told me, on an unsolicited basis, that I was "doing great with my weight" by the way. I took that as a confirmation that my body is doing what she needs to do and the less I fiddle with it or fret over it, the better off I will be. And so will Jeff and Peppermint. We get to have an ultrasound on Thursday to check the levels of amniotic fluids, which is exciting because we'll get to see her again on the screen and also get an indication of how big she is (and will be in 10 weeks or so). Call me crazy but I am most interested in how big her head is. Circumference matters.
So, 10 weeks away. I am hoping to make it all the way to 40 weeks or even go over. I know lots of moms who went early-- as much as 6 weeks early. I feel like I need as much time to nest, get to therapy, read the Classics, and master pre-natal yoga. That's going to take at least 10 weeks. I want to get the baby's scrap book in order, as well as our wedding book and the general pockets of chaos and junk I have around the house. I just ordered stationary with Peppermints on it to write thank you notes for any gifts. I never thought I would be the kind of mother who writes notes as if they were written by her own pre-literate child, but looks like I am. I may buy a big husky pencil and use my left hand so the whole charade is more believable.
This weekend is our Babymoon in Manhattan. I am very excited. The general game plan is to wander around the city being big huge pregnant tourists. I have been researching shows to see and other entertainment avenues. And I have also been thinking about what shoes are comfortable enough to walk in all day long that don't also anounce, "Here comes a Midwesterner!" Gotta get back on Zappos and run that down .... Especially since so many people are going ot mistake us for Heidi Klum and Seal, it will be nice to make a fast getaway from any annoying people who want to snap our picture.
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