When we were in LA, Jeff took me on a tour of one of the golf courses he used to frequent when he was a young co-ed at UCLA. It's the cutest little park in the fanciest neighborhood. I swear I saw Gwen Stefani and her brood having a picnic over by the 5th hole. Jeff and I wandered over to the playground area and sat on a bench watching the super rich Southern California kids, clad in Hannah Anderssen, play in the sand and on the swings. We stared in silence. I was thinking about how one day sort of soon we'll be the type of people who know our way around a playground (and I'll probably know my way around Hannah Anderssen!). We had an honest conversation about how overwhelming this adventure is when we really think about it. It's what I like most about my marriage so far (almost 8 weeks and counting): Jeff and I usually audibilize (is that a word?) whatever emotion or thoughts come through our heads. I feel safer knowing that my partner is just as scared as I am. In some ways it makes it feel safer and more OK to be scared about what's coming. Or WHO'S COMING!!! Before I swore off baby books, I read over and over again that's "normal" and "natural" to be apprehensive about becoming a parent. I like to roll that comforting tidbit around in my head over and over again.
Another place that offers some measure of comfort is a chat group I joined through the Babycenter.com for mothers expecting children in July 2009. Mothers post musings about being sad to be fat or devastated they are having another boy. I find it comforting to know it goes with the territory to be anxious, moody and WORRIED. I do get into trouble there when I read the posts about a mother getting "bad" news from a genetic test. I get so upset to learn about disabilities I had never heard of, which adds to my already abundant bag of worries. But, when I reign in the morbidity, I can draw a lot of comfort and humor from the other mothers out there worried about anything from their mother-in-law's comments to how to discipline a child that is still a 14-week-old fetus.

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